Tara Becker
If enthusiasm were like danger, Tara would be a great white shark covered in dynamite and laser beams. When her heart isn’t busy being deeply invested in those less fortunate than herself, it takes a break to roll the windows down, turn the stereo up, and [somehow while still driving] dance. She’s probably wearing a t-shirt with a home-sewn design on it right now.
Nicholas Livanos
Nicholas Livanos
If adventure were a University, Nick would be the student body, the professor, the president, and the Board of Trustees. If he’s not climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise money for orphans, living in a tree house, or biking across Texas, you can probably find him at the most-loyal-friend-in-the-world market. Nick is Greek, but he looks Hispanic.
Ben Schnell
If the ocean represented the depth of all possible thought, Ben would think straight through to the core of the earth. Whether starting soccer teams for the homeless, rocking out on the drums, or just chilling in his school-bus-turned-bedroom, he can always make time out for a conversation that will leave you enlightened. Ben tucks in his dress shirts and wears a tie. Always.
Tyler Morgan
If knowing something about everything were an Olympic sport, Tyler Morgan would take the gold. You need to know about the national grammar competition? He's got it handy. You can't fix, figure out, understand or work your phone? As long as you can make it call Tyler, he'll take it from there. If he isn't doing backflips off of random objects, climbing rock walls, or serving his friends, you can probably find Tyler talking passionately about camp ministry. Tyler says "toodle-oo!" instead of "goodbye".
Ben Schnell
If the ocean represented the depth of all possible thought, Ben would think straight through to the core of the earth. Whether starting soccer teams for the homeless, rocking out on the drums, or just chilling in his school-bus-turned-bedroom, he can always make time out for a conversation that will leave you enlightened. Ben tucks in his dress shirts and wears a tie. Always.
Chris Terry
Jessi Turner
If you could bottle up the essence of the word "delightful," and then pour it out into human form, that form would be Jessi. Whether it be while crafting her next graphic design tour de force or taking a well-deserved slack-lining break, she's certain to spill out rays of sunshine with smiles on top. Wherever Jessi is right now, she probably wants a hug.